Thanks For Stopping By...


Why... Because...

Well Hello to You, and Thank You for Your Interest in Me. First, Allow Me to Introduce Myself, my name is Daryl Merritt, but Everyone who knows me calls me Dee or D. Merritt, which is what I prefer.

This Website was created to serve as a Business Card, Resume', and as an Ongoing Growing Portfolio of My Continued Work and Business.

My Main Line of Work is in THINKING, CREATING, and INSPIRING; And YES it Absolutely Does Translates into $Dollars, Revenue, and Income!

I'm an "Outside-the-Box" type of Thinker, Therefore I'm an "Unorthodox Doer". However, I an Not Completely Impractical, I'm just Different.

I've Traveled Many Roads, Worn Many Hats, Done Many Jobs, Met Many People, Learned Many Lessons, and Made Many Many Many Mistakes All Along the Way; and All of This has Made Me Quite Wise and Valuable Today, and as They Say..."The Proof is in the Pudding".

So Feel Free to Browse Around My Lil Old Website, you might just find something you like.
Thanks Again!

Daryl at One World Center
Daryl at One World Center
Daryl in Front of Detroit Murus
Daryl in Front of Detroit Murus

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Copyright 2024 Daryl Merritt/