About me

Hi, I’m Daryl Merritt, but you can call me Dee.
I am in the Business of is Publishing, Branding, Marketing, Advertising, and Promotions. When your in the Business of Branding Others, one of the hardest things to do is to "Brand Yourself". However, I'm no longer in the business of Branding Others, but instead I'm now focused on putting my Talents into Branding Myself.

My Education:
Although I come from Humble Beginnings, I am not only a Redemption Story, but a Master Over Adversity, the Statistics, the Nay-Sayers, the Haters, the Ego, the Egotistical, and the Devils Advocates.
My Knowledge and Education exceeds Traditional Schooling, as I incorporate All of Life's Lessons with the Practical Knowledge gained from being employed in workplaces, granted positions of privilege, and Time to Learn what other's can not. I have also gained knowledge from the usual Formal and Traditional Educations taught to the Masses and Mainstream. I was Raised to BE FREE and a Free-Spirit and Individual that was Forced to Figure Out How to Make Proper Decisions, and Learn Integrity the Hard Way. However, I Got It Now, and can Teach it to Others.

My Business:
Positivity, Inspiration, Integrity, Truth, Balance,
Upliftment of Humanity and Society.
